Held In Canada

Over 20 judges from across North America attended an ISAF International Judge Seminar hosted by The Royal Hamilton Yacht Club in Hamilton, Ontario, 26-28 March 2004.

Held In Canada

Over 20 judges from across North America attended an ISAF International Judge Seminar hosted by The Royal Hamilton Yacht Club in Hamilton, Ontario, 26-28 March 2004.

Pat HEALY, ISAF Judging Seminar Instructor, led an extremely successful weekend as the course conductor. Special thanks to Alex McAuley for co-ordinating the local logistics of the weekend, and Lynne Beal for running a pre-course “question-answer”[ioID]448E135ED8574270BCA1E36DF24F32DB/04_IJ(Canada)2.jpg>
Seminar Delegates © CYA
A Full Seminar report will follow. Reports from past ISAF Race Officials Seminars are available on the ISAF Race Officials website, via the link below.