New Edition of ISAF Umpires and Match Racing Manual Published

A new and updated version of the Umpires and Match Racing Manual (Edition 5/02), based on the 2001 - 2004 Racing Rules of Sailing has now been finalised

New Edition of ISAF Umpires and Match Racing Manual Published

A new and updated version of the Umpires and Match Racing Manual (Edition 5/02), based on the 2001 – 2004 Racing Rules of Sailing has now been finalised

It is available for download from the ISAF Website at

The Umpires and Match Racing Manual has been rewritten to reflect the development in Match Racing over the last few years, and contains descriptions of new scenarios as well as new umpiring techniques. Although parts of the Manual may appear to remain unchanged, the changes throughout the book are extensive, and all umpires should study this new book carefully as it is one of the basic tools for umpires.

Among new, changed or extensively rewritten topics are:

 How can we improve our umpiring
 Umpire more consistently
 Umpire communication
 Umpire positioning
 Umpiring team assignments
 Communication: sailors, media, rules advisors….
 Who can protest whom – and for what
 Red flag penalties
 Twin penalties
 Penalty system, incorrect penalties
 Boats in different matches
 Dial downs
 Technical overlaps
 Approaching obstructions
 Pairing lists
 Tie breaking sail offs

The Manual is not only meant for Umpires. There is a complete Race Management section, and also references to any document an organiser of a Match Racing event may need. No doubt other groups, like matchrace sailors or media, who want to understand the umpiring system, may benefit from reading the manual as well.

The previous Manual contained several other ISAF Documents. These documents have now been taken out of the Manual, as they will change from time to time – and they are all available on the ISAF website. Reference to the documents can still be found in the Manual.

It is considered important that the correct versions of these documents are being used – and by using the website, any umpire, organiser or other interested person can make sure to use the newest versions. Examples of such documents are: ISAF Standard Match Racing Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race, ISAF Regulations about the umpiring programme and Grading and Report Forms.