Another Day Of Perfect Sailing Conditions

The winds of yesterday's racing were 8-10 knots northerly breeze and again quite choppy seas. Three races were sailed under quite shifty conditions.

Another Day Of Perfect Sailing Conditions

The winds of yesterday’s racing were 8-10 knots northerly breeze and again quite choppy seas. Three races were sailed under quite shifty conditions.

The breeze was so shifty that it proved quite hard to get good starts and good starting lines. This resulted in several restarts for each race.

In the first race the wind had shifted to the left and the pin end was favoured in the start.
Stellan Berlin, Sweden, started at the boat end but managed to work his way up using the shifts. At the first weather mark he met Martin Holmgren, Sweden, coming from the pin end.
The lead shifted a few times but at the second windward leg Heiko Kröger, Germany, took Stellan Berlin past the port layline and a shift to the right helped Martin Holmgren take the lead which he kept to the finnish.

The pin end was favoured again at the second start. This time however none of the boat end starters worked their way to the lead. Stellan Berlin was first at the windward mark with a good margin that made it easy to defend the first place. Heiko Kröger, was second at the first mark and Martin Holmgren third. These positions didn’t change during the rest of the race.

The third race was very much a copy of the second. The order among the first three was Stellan Berlin, Per Ahrbom, Sweden, and Heiko Kröger.

Results, after 8 races:

1 Heiko Kroeger GER 4 17 16 13 3 2 2 3 60.00 pts
2 Martin Holmgren SWE 39 11 6 21 5 4 1 3 10 61.00 pts
3 Marko Dahlberg FIN 15 2 19 12 1 10 6 5 7 62.00 pts
4 Stellan Berlin SWE 25 56 DSQ 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 69.00 pts
5 Thomas Brown USA 23 6 1 10 15 11 15 10 4 72.00 pts
6 Tom Bjorndah FIN 22 15 5 14 11 6 16 8 5 80.00 pts
7 Ralf ‘Bobi’ Casen FIN 8 3 18 4 10 15 8 9 16 83.00 pts
8 Hans Meyer USA 37 5 56 DSQ 1 4 9 11 6 6 98.00 pts
9 Sipari Jyrki FIN 38 12 14 27 3 27 5 12 9 109.00 pts
10 Per Ahrbom SWE 34 8 56 DSQ 3 14 5 10 14 2 112.00 pts