Catch Me If You Can

Amer Sports Too is sailing in 18 to 20 knots of easterly breeze, very eager to catch News Corp, who is under emergency rudder only 85 miles ahead with 129 miles to go to the finish line.

Catch Me If You Can

Amer Sports Too is sailing in 18 to 20 knots of easterly breeze, very eager to catch News Corp, who is under emergency rudder only 85 miles ahead with 129 miles to go to the finish line.

News Corp is sailing in half the wind speed and three to four knots slower and the girls are coming in with the breeze. In the light conditions, Jez Fanstone and his crew can sail the boat on maximum performance, but when the ride is getting too bumpy, they pressure on the rudder could easily exceed the specifications for the stern hung rudder system. This would force them to take the throttle back and slow down, leaving them defenceless against the charging Amer Sports Too, eager to close the gap to SEB on the leaderboard by another point.

Volvo Ocean Race Position Report, Day 25, 0354 GMT

1 ILBK 0 0 0 29
2 DJCE 0 0 0 17
3 TYCO 0 0 0 18
4 AART 0 0 0 20
5 AONE 0 0 0 22
6 NEWS 129 7.4 0 19
7 ATOO 214 10.1 85 7
8 TSEB 12