Orange Restarts

Just as Geronimo retired from their attempt on the Jules Verne Trophy yesterday morning, so Orange began their second attempt at 08:36 and 21 seconds GMT this morning.

Orange Restarts

Just as Geronimo retired from their attempt on the Jules Verne Trophy yesterday morning, so Orange began their second attempt at 08:36 and 21 seconds GMT this morning.

Orange left Vannes yesterday evening to head for the start line, ready for the early start this morning.

Orange will be hoping that their mast has been soundly repaired, which is the thing that failed them on the their first attempt on the 14 February. The mast failure caused them to turn around and head home after just 20 minutes of racing. It took the team just two weeks to turn the mast around and get Orange ready to race again.

You can follow the progress of Orange on their website below.