Royal Attendance At Sail For Gold Ball

HRH The Princess Royal, President of the Royal Yachting Association, will host the Sail for Gold Ball, which will take place on 3 June 2004 at the London Hilton on Park Lane.

Royal Attendance At Sail For Gold Ball

HRH The Princess Royal, President of the Royal Yachting Association, will host the Sail for Gold Ball, which will take place on 3 June 2004 at the London Hilton on Park Lane.

Held each Olympic year only, the Sail for Gold Ball features the formal presentation, by Her Royal Highness, of the sailors of the British Olympic and Paralympic teams.

The Ball is a prestigious and glittering gala occasion and a rousing send off to Britain’s sailors on their way to Athens.

Sail for Gold is the RYA’s promotional and fundraising campaign held in support of Britain’s Olympic and Paralympic Team Sailors and is vital to Britain’s ongoing Olympic and Paralympic sailing success. Sail for Gold provides funding for those projects that cannot be paid for with UK Sport and Lottery Sports Fund monies and, significantly, for potential Olympians of the future as they develop through the youth classes and make the transition to Olympic and Paralympic sailing.

Sail for Gold encompasses a wide range of promotional and fundraising activities for individual and corporate involvement, from tickets to full sponsorship packages. Sponsors receive an excellent package of benefits in return for their support. Full details are available from the Sail for Gold office or on the website at the address below.