Bank BPH Get What They Wanted

The Crew On Bank BPH have now got a good direction and strength in the breeze and are looking forward to some big 24 hour runs over the next few days. The crew wrote from the boat yesterday in a tone of some relief.

Bank BPH Get What They Wanted

The Crew On Bank BPH have now got a good direction and strength in the breeze and are looking forward to some big 24 hour runs over the next few days. The crew wrote from the boat yesterday in a tone of some relief.

“Finally!! 20-knot winds at our backs starting at 5:00 GMT. This is the wind we’ve been waiting for,”

“But that’s not all. According to weather forecasts we can expect winds up to 40 knots in this direction tomorrow evening. Looking at the actual speed of the boat we can safely say that sailing an orthodromic course, that is, the shortest possible path, we will cross the 40th parallel in 48 hours”.

“Weather conditions indicate as much, and the temperature is also slowly yet systematically falling. Today, for the first time in a long while, most of the crew slept in polar fleeces. Previously that had just slept in boxer shorts and t-shirts. Heavier winds also mean that we have a more dynamic ride and that we have to work harder on deck behind the wheel”.

We waited for good weather conditions and hope that our daily progress will be more than 300 nautical miles.”

The boats full position report is available on the race team 2000 website at the address below.