New Daily Record

The Volvo 60, Bank BPH, at 09.53 yesterday was at 48 51.250S 018 12.469E having made 498nm in the last 24 hours, an average speed of 17 kts. The crew are making good progress on their fully crewed round the world record attempt.

New Daily Record

The Volvo 60, Bank BPH, at 09.53 yesterday was at 48 51.250S 018 12.469E having made 498nm in the last 24 hours, an average speed of 17 kts. The crew are making good progress on their fully crewed round the world record attempt.

There follows the latest report from onboard.

“Over the past day we set a new one-day best for our yacht: 408 nautical miles!! The conditions on the ocean are almost strange. Waves are 5 to 7 meters in height, which is regular for 40-knot winds. We have to focus
It is difficult to describe in words the look and danger of such waves. They are majestic, yet when you think about the power they have…

I am looking at our C-Map NT/PC+ map (which we were given by C-MAP Poland – Thanks guys!) and quietly figure our course. It seems that the course we have sailed thus far to the Cape of Good Hope could be one of the shortest in history. Since the start we have been sailing an orthodromic course almost the whole time. As the navigator I am especially pleased since this means that we didn’t add unnecessary distance, and that the decisions we made regarding our course were the right ones. Let’s hope things continue that way.

Our spirits are geared for battle, and after such a successful day, we hope that more are to follow.
Best wishes from on board the Bank BPH”