Bank BPH Breaks Boom

A few days sailing in very difficult conditions await the crew of the BANK BPH. yesterday afternoon the steering mechanism broke causing a momentary loss of control over the yacht. The mainsail boom broke as a result.

Bank BPH Breaks Boom

A few days sailing in very difficult conditions await the crew of the BANK BPH. yesterday afternoon the steering mechanism broke causing a momentary loss of control over the yacht. The mainsail boom broke as a result.

“We are heading to Cape Town where we will estimate our losses and decide what to do futher. We’re all OK, and that’s what’s most important. It won’t be easy, as the weather forcast isn’t the best.” Captain Roman PASZKE, from on board the BANK BPH

The region in which this occurred is especially difficult to navigate. The southern Indian Ocean has not only strong winds, but also high waves with short wavelengths. Serious problems in this region are the stuff of legends for better ocean sailors. Thanks to the crew’s experience and close following of the principles of good seamanship (safety procedures), they were able to get out of such a serious situation in one piece while preventing further damage to the yacht.