Geronimo One Third Through

Having covered over 10,000 nautical miles and one third of the course, Geronimo is now three days ahead of the record set by Orange.

Geronimo One Third Through

Having covered over 10,000 nautical miles and one third of the course, Geronimo is now three days ahead of the record set by Orange.

Day 23 ended last night as the trimaran’s eighth day of covering over 500 miles – 538 to be precise, at an average sped of 22.43 knots point-to-point.

Her lead over the current record at the longitude of Cape Leeuwin is now over 1200 sea miles. So it seems as if the Cap Gemini and Schneider Electric trimaran can gain ground every day, whatever the conditions.

At the end of her 23rd day, Geronimo was at the same longitude (81°E) as Bruno PEYRON on Day 26 of his 2002 record-breaking attempt, but the trimaran is rather further south and therefore theoretically on a faster track.

However, the crew didn’t want to talk too much about their lead yesterday evening. “It’s obviously better to be ahead of the record than behind it, but it’s arriving ahead of the record in Brest that really matters…”

Conditions were still good early today, with the Cap Gemini and Schneider Electric trimaran still making over 20 knots.