Youth Development Camps

Yachting New Zealand in partnership, with the Peter Snell Institute of Sport are running 3 Zone Development Squad camps for approximately 90 youth sailors from around New Zealand.

Youth Development Camps

Yachting New Zealand in partnership, with the Peter Snell Institute of Sport are running 3 Zone Development Squad camps for approximately 90 youth sailors from around New Zealand.

The Zone Development Squad Camps will be held in the Northern, Central and Southern Region to assist sailors in making the transition into the youth classes, and prepare them for possible selection into the National Youth Squad or National Youth Team. Ensuring that sailors identified from regions throughout New Zealand benefit from high performance coaching from some of New Zealand’s top yachting coaches.

Daniel GERRARD, General Manager of the Peter Snell Institute of Sport comments, “We are delighted to be able to provide support to Yachting New Zealand to assist them in developing young sailors nationwide and look forward to seeing some of these sailors in future national youth and Olympic teams in years to come”

Yachting New Zealand’s Chief Executive, Simon WICKHAM comments, “We’re pleased to form a partnership with the Peter Snell Institute to help provide support to our developing sailors, especially those that have moved through our national youth programme and are now trying to break into the olympic classes. New Zealand has some great potential at youth level and we we hope this will encourage those sailors to continue to develop their talent and focus towards Olympic success”.

Sailors will apply to be part of these squads each year through their Regional Association who will liaise with Yachting New Zealand in the selection of sailors and organisation of these Zone Development Squad Camps.

In 2004, one camp in each zone will be held, but in 2005 onwards there will be two camps in each zone. The location of the Zone Camps will rotate through different regions each year to minimize the amount of travel required by sailors.

Sailors will be invited to apply for a spot in these squad camps based on results from previous regattas, goals and potential. All sailors applying must be under the age of 19 on 31st December 2004. Application forms are available on the Yachting New Zealand website. You can also contact your Regional Association for more information or phone Julie at Yachting New Zealand on ph:(09) 9685 803.