Geronimo - 448 Miles To Cape Leeuwin

Geronimo ended Day 25 with 448 nautical miles still to run to the longitude of Cape Leeuwin (115°08E) at 50°S. In 2002, at the end of their 25th day at sea, Bruno PEYRON and his crew on board the catamaran Orange, were 1826 nautical miles from the same po

Geronimo - 448 Miles To Cape Leeuwin

Geronimo ended Day 25 with 448 nautical miles still to run to the longitude of Cape Leeuwin (115°08E) at 50°S. In 2002, at the end of their 25th day at sea, Bruno PEYRON and his crew on board the catamaran Orange, were 1826 nautical miles from the same po

A simple calculation using the southwesterly tip of Australia as the reference point shows that Geronimo is now 1378 sea miles ahead of the record-holding catamaran, compared with 1345 the previous day.

Geronimo’s full position is available on her website at the address below.