RYA Announce Selection Procedure

The RYA has been invited by the Royal Ocean Racing Club to enter four GBR teams into the forthcoming Rolex Commodores Cup. The teams, allocated by the Offshore Racing Group of the RYA, will comprise of two English, one Scottish and one Welsh team.

RYA Announce Selection Procedure

The RYA has been invited by the Royal Ocean Racing Club to enter four GBR teams into the forthcoming Rolex Commodores Cup. The teams, allocated by the Offshore Racing Group of the RYA, will comprise of two English, one Scottish and one Welsh team.

The selection of the two English teams will be based upon performance in the Trials Series of races, starting on Saturday 5 June, and if for any reason the Regional Selectors for the Scottish and Welsh teams are unable to fulfil their slots, the English team selectors will allocate boats from any of the Trials held.

The selection process will comprise of two inshore races; a weekend organised by the Royal Thames Yacht Club, which will take place in Cowes over the weekend of the 5/6 June and the Mees Pierson Yachting IRC Championship from the 18-20 June, organised by the RORC in Cowes. It will also comprise of one offshore race, the RORC Myth of Malham race, which takes place on Friday 11 June.

In addition the Selectors will observe the Hamble Spring Series, Red Funnel Easter Regatta and the De Guingand Bowl Race.

The RYA Selection committee comprises of Chairman David AISHER, RYA Racing Services Manager, Dave ATKINSON, Iain MACDONALD-SMITH and Mike RICHARDS.

The teams for the 2004 Rolex Commodores Cup will be announced at a press conference on the 22 June 2004.

There will be a meeting for interested parties at the Royal Thames Yacht Club on the 25 March at 18 30. The invite is to boat owners or a representative and the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the selection and criteria.

Chairman of the Selectors, David AISHER commented, “We look forward to meeting representatives from all competitive boats who wish to enter the selection trials. This will give us the chance to discuss and clarify any issues they may have about the basis on which we have been asked to make our choice of the GBR Teams.”