Prohibited Methods and Substances Amended

Following a recommendation from the Chair of the WADA Health, Medical and Research Committee, and after approval by the WADA Executive Committee, WADA is issuing a modified version of the 2004 List of prohibited methods and substances.

Prohibited Methods and Substances Amended

Following a recommendation from the Chair of the WADA Health, Medical and Research Committee, and after approval by the WADA Executive Committee, WADA is issuing a modified version of the 2004 List of prohibited methods and substances.

The changes, which do not affect the substances currently on the List aim at preventing any legal loophole in case of the discovery of a new designer steroid.

The discovery of the designer steroid, Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG), has made clear that the definition of analogue as defined under sections S4 and S5 of the former List is inappropriately restrictive. In fact, in its former version, the List required an analogue to have both a similar chemical structure and similar pharmacological effects. However, contrary to good medical and pharmaceutical practice, these “designer steroids” are administered to athletes despite the lack of any studies on their pharmacological effects.

Therefore, in order to be able to cover new designer steroids in the future and to prosecute such cases quickly, it is important that substances that have a similar chemical structure or similar pharmacological effects be prohibited.

In consequence, the references to “analogues” and “mimetics” in sections S4 and S5 have been deleted and replaced by the same wording that is used in sections S1 and S8 namely: “…and other substances with similar chemical structure or similar pharmacological effect(s)”. The “pharmacological effect(s)” can be interpreted both in plural and singular.

In addition, the FIFA Doping Sub-Committee has informed WADA, by letter dated March 8, 2004, that FIFA does not wish to prohibit alcohol or beta-blockers in football. Therefore, in accordance with provision 4.2 of the Code, WADA has removed references to FIFA under Section P1 and P2.

Given that this is an urgent matter as new designer steroid” are potentially on the market, it is necessary to have this new List in force immediately as authorized by Article 4.1 of the Code.