Young People in Sailing Seminar

The Irish Sailing Association is hosting a one day seminar on Saturday 17 April 2004 on 'Young People in Sailing' which will explore and discuss the following:

Young People in Sailing Seminar

The Irish Sailing Association is hosting a one day seminar on Saturday 17 April 2004 on ‘Young People in Sailing’ which will explore and discuss the following:

– Strategies to introduce young people to sailing and retain them in the sport
– The role of competition within these objectives.

The seminar is aimed at representatives from:
– Irish Sailing Association Clubs, Recognised Teaching Establishments and Class Associations responsible for, or with an interest in, working with young people in sailing.
– Club and Class Association Children’s Officers
– Coaches and Instructors

Programme – Saturday 17 April

0930 – 1000
Registration, Tea & Coffee

1000 – 1015
Welcome & Introduction
Kalanne O’Leary Pat Duffy

1015 – 1130
The Development of the young athlete. Fundamentals & other key stages.
Istvan Bali, National Coaching & Training Centre

1130 – 1145 Break

1145 – 1230
Over-training of young sailors
Frank Newton, Royal Yachting Association

1230 – 1240
Questions and answers
Frank Newton, Royal Yachting Association

1245 – 1300
Sailors Pathways in Ireland and international comparisons
Bill O’Hara, Irish Sailing Association

1300 – 1400 Lunch

1400 – 1500 Workshops

1500 – 1600
Reports from Workshops Chaired Q&A session with speaker panel

1600 Finish