Report From Day Three

Day three racing at Torbole was held in 15-18kts, with the Brits still leading.

Report From Day Three

Day three racing at Torbole was held in 15-18kts, with the Brits still leading.

The Australian crews have finally found their feet with wins in both of today’s races. Race five for the series saw Richie REYNOLDS and Lisa MCMILLAN (AUS) breakthrough for their first win at a World Championship regatta.

After contesting the lead in the first half of the race, they drew clear and took the gun with a comfortable victory. Tim FELLS/Sean BARBER (GBR) were 2nd and Matt SEARLE/Andy RAMUS (GBR) 3rd.

Race six started in a solid 18kts, which encouraged a majority of the fleet to head towards the western shore for the first time. With the fleet spread right across the course, Matt SEARLE/Andy RAMUS (GBR) and Martin JOHNSON/Michael HALKES (AUS), emerged ahead of the fleet. Their battle continued until late in the race when the two boats split, leaving the Australian crew with a significant advantage and a comfortable win. Peter RAY and Gareth WELLS (AUS) placed 3rd, and Reynolds/McMillan (AUS) placed 4th.

Top 10 – 6 Races, 1 Discard (protest pending)
1 Tim Fells/Sean Barber (GBR) – 1,9,1,3,2,12 – 16
2 Matt Searl/Andy Ramus (GBR) – 5,4,4,6,3,2, – 18
3 Jason Andrews/Joel Mcdonald – 9,6,3,1,4,10 – 23 – 10
4 Richie Reynolds/ Lissa McMillan (AUS) – 11,17,6,2,1,4 -24
5 Martin Johnston/ Michael Halkes (AUS) – 4,13,5,7,7,1 – 24
6 Peter Ray/ Gareth Wells (AUS) – 13, 3,13,5,5,3 – 29
7 David Hayes/Sean Dywer – 10, 2,2,9,8, DNF – 31
8 Jono Pank/Rich Edwards- 6,1,OCS,4,9,13 – 33
9 Nils Joliffe/Jon Branche – 3,8,7,18,10,5 – 33
10 Kieran Livermore/ Karen Wisman AUS – 2, 11,18,10,11,11 – 45