Snakes And Ladders On Poole Bay

The OK Class World Championship hosted by Parkstone Yacht Club, got underway in Poole Bay on Sunday in brilliant sunshine and 11 knots of westerly breeze.

Snakes And Ladders On Poole Bay

The OK Class World Championship hosted by Parkstone Yacht Club, got underway in Poole Bay on Sunday in brilliant sunshine and 11 knots of westerly breeze.

With the first race being a Practice Race PRO Peter DRAKE set a shortened course ending with the second beat. Provisional Results showed New Zealander Mark PERROW (an ex-Laser sailor) winning with two Brits; Nick CRAIG and Jim HUNT in second and third places.

The first race of the Championship followed after some delay due to wind shifts and a dragging anchor. After one General Recall the PRO exercised his authority with the Black Flag and the fleet of about 85 boats got away in a smart 12 knots wind which helped the more heavy weather sailors. GBR 2059 went for a leeward end start whilst Karsten Hitz seem to pop out of the middle of the line like a cork.


First: GBR 2109 – Jim HUNT; Second: SWE 2746 – Thomas HANSSON-MILD and third: NZL 517 – Paul RHODES.

Championship Race two started soon after with just one General Recall with a Black Flag, unfortunately, three boats infringed the one minute rule and would be disqualified at the finish.

At the start of the race the wind had dropped to six knots but it soon increased back to 12 knots and shifted enough for the PRO to swing the course at the appropriate time in the middle of the race. Once again those favouring heavy weather seemed to benefit although there was a fair amount of place changing especially on the runs.


First: BEL 44 – Bart BOMANS, Second: NZL 520 Russell WOOD and third: GBR 2109 – Jim HUNT.