Election of President and Vice-Presidents - Eligible Candidates Online

Saturday 13 November 2004 marks the holding of the ISAF General Assembly, at which the election of the ISAF Executive Committee, President and Seven Vice-Presidents, for the ensuing four year term will take place.

Election of President and Vice-Presidents - Eligible Candidates Online

Saturday 13 November 2004 marks the holding of the ISAF General Assembly, at which the election of the ISAF Executive Committee, President and Seven Vice-Presidents, for the ensuing four year term will take place.

As decided by the ISAF Council in November 2003, at least two of the Vice-Presidents shall be women.

In order to be eligible to stand as a President or Vice-President, candidates must receive nominations from five or more full members (Member National Authorities), who are in good standing with ISAF. Member National Authorities may nominate as many or as few candidates as they wish and candidates do not need to be nationals of that country.

Nominations for Officers must be provided in writing signed by the President or Secretary General (or equivalents in position), addressed to the ISAF Secretary General and received at the ISAF Secretariat by the close of business (5.30pm UTC) on 1 September 2004.

Nominations for Officers received by fax by the required date will be valid if the ISAF Secretariat receive (and acknowledge receipt) by 29 October 2004. If the ISAF Secretariat does not receive the original signed letter of nomination, then the nomination will be invalid. E-mail is not acceptable for this purpose.

Once a candidate becomes eligible to stand for a position of President or Vice-President, ISAF will publish their details online via the link below. Please note that ISAF will only publish details of candidates once ISAF has received five original letters of nomination.

Eligible Candidates for the Office of President and Vice-President

2004 ISAF November Conference Microsite