ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme Launched
ISAF has published the first draft of the "ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme", a how-to programme to aid ISAF Member National Authorities (MNAs) in the provision of a generic national learn to sail programme.
ISAF has published the first draft of the “ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme”, a how-to programme to aid ISAF Member National Authorities (MNAs) in the provision of a generic national learn to sail programme.
The ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme is specifically aimed at learning to sail in small dinghies and provides a best practice approach. The Programme is intended to be illustrative, rather than prescriptive and it should be recognized that ISAF does not consider this Programme to be a “one size fits all” approach, but an approach based on existing best practice. The content of the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme is primarily targeted at those countries with small training programmes or no current provision.
The ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme (ISAF LSTP) has been produced under the guidance of the ISAF Training Commission in partnership with the ISAF Connect to Sailing initiative. At this stage the ISAF LSTP is published as a “draft” in order that further practical evaluation of the Programme can take place. The ISAF LSTP will be reviewed and a final version published by mid-2009, after which it is planned to review the Programme every four years.
It is recognized that a successful MNA national training programme requires the following common factors and the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme has been developed to support an MNA in these areas:
– Audited training centres working to an agreed standard in accordance; with national heath and safety guidelines;
– Instructors qualified to a recognised level;
– Common syllabus for all training centres within a country;
– National administration and management processes;
– Adequate human and financial resources.
ISAF President, Göran PETERSSON commented, “The publication of the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme is an exciting and fundamental step in the provision of educational material to support the development of sailing around the world. It is ISAF’s role and responsibility to enable the transfer of knowledge and support the development of our sport. I would like to thank those involved in the ISAF Training Commission and ISAF Connect to Sailing for their support and expertise in developing the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme.”
Training is seen by ISAF as a fundamental foundation to the sport of sailing without which effective development of the sport is lessened. Objective 2 of the ISAF Strategic Plan November 2005 states that ISAF will “promote and increase participation in sailing as a lifetime sport” and that ISAF will “support and encourage MNAs and Classes to produce and deliver a range of sustainable education, training and development programmes to introduce and encourage sailors to stay in the sport”. Responding to this objective, the ISAF Training Commission was established to identify and put in place the infrastructure required to facilitate and support the successful introduction, development and ongoing evolution of worldwide sail training programmes.
Download the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme here. Please note the Terms and Conditions of Use.
The ISAF Training Commission is also developing an ISAF Accreditation System, by which ISAF can accredit MNA national training programmes. The value of ISAF Accreditation could include increased access to government and/or commercial funding by MNAs and a globally recognized set of training standards for the sport.
During the 2008 ISAF Annual Conference, ISAF will be hosting a Connect to Sailing Seminar on Sunday 9 November to present the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme. The Connect to Sailing Project Manager, Tim COVENTRY, will present the Programme together with examples of best practice. Rod Carr, Chair of the ISAF Training Commission, will outline the vision for the introduction of the ISAF Accreditation System. All are welcome to attend.
For any queries or feedback on the ISAF Learn to Sail Training Programme please visit
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