Hartley Boats Connect With ISAF

The ISAF Training and Development Department is very happy to announce that Hartley Boats has joined the ISAF Connect to Sailing Initiative in the 'Official Supplier Partner' category.

Hartley Boats Connect With ISAF

The ISAF Training and Development Department is very happy to announce that Hartley Boats has joined the ISAF Connect to Sailing Initiative in the ‘Official Supplier Partner’ category.

With such boats as the Wayfarer, Wanderer and Gull among the large number of dinghies produced in it’s factory in Derbyshire, UK, Hartley Boats has proved that they have the products that will benefit ISAF Member National Authorities in developing their National Learn to Sail Training Programmes, referring to their range of training boats as ‘stable and easy to control, helping students spend more time gliding over the water, not swimming in it.’

Managing Director of Hartley Boats, Richard Hartley, said of the decision to join with the ISAF Connect to Sailing Initiative, “We have been watching the growth in activity of the ISAF Connect to Sailing Initiative for a while now and since being able to see measureable success in the way that ISAF has developed programmes to help grow sailing at all levels, especially grass roots, we have decided to offer our full support through becoming a Partner.

“As a manufacturer of boats we have a valuable role to play in helping shape the future of sailing and as a Family run business strongly our values and beliefs reflect the Strategic Aims of the ISAF Connect to Sailing initiative. We hope that many future sailors will enjoy a lifetime of sailing and thoroughly believe that Hartley Boats is ideally placed to help make this happen.”

Hartley grew up in Lancashire in the heart of the English Lake District. He has had a love of boats and all things water since early childhood. His passion is dinghy sailing but it was not always that way. Richard had a bad, almost tragic, early sailing experience that might have put him off for life but was never one to shy away from a challenge, giving sailing a second try some years later, this time in a more stable and suitable boat. This second experience was altogether a better one and he was hooked – passionate about sailing ever since. With Mark his son and business partner, he enjoys competing in a packed schedule of racing events. Richard and the Hartley Boats team travel year round to clubs and training centres in support of their full dinghy sail boat range.

Richard explains how Hartley Boats will be able to help the ISAF Connect to Sailing Initiative by saying, “To win over and attract new customers away from competing interests and into Sailing we need to work hard to get our message out and to invite newcomers in. We believe our job is to provide the means for more people to easily try Dinghy Sailing.

“To provide boats that are stable and comfortable enough to put newcomers at ease, boats that install confidence and allow for the fun to quickly take over. The importance of using the right equipment to deliver a good first experience must not be underestimated. Sailing, as with any sport, requires training and practice to achieve proficiency. We must provide the best training equipment so that learners enjoy the learning process and progress more quickly. Confidence grows when the learners feel safe and secure. Participants having fun are more likely to get hooked and stay in the sport. That is why our Wayfarer, Wanderer and Gull training boats are built with stability, security and ease of sailing as a top priority.”

For more information on all Hartley Boats products please visit their website here – http://www.hartleyboats.co.uk

ISAF Training and Development Manager Dan Jaspers said, “I am very encouraged by Richard and Mark Hartley and their honest, open attitude towards the programme and all it stands for. For Hartley Boats to have identified this Initiative as something that they wish to support is not only great for ISAF in terms of being able to show that the Corporate Social Responsibility aspects of the Connect to Sailing Initiative are still appealing to new sponsors but it is also highly beneficial to our member nations where the Connect to Sailing programmes will run.

“Without the involvement of all the Sponsors we would not be enjoying the success we have had over the last 2 years. I welcome Hartley Boats into the Development family and look forward to working with them as we develop our resources.”

What is Connect to Sailing? What is it all about and how does it work?

Connect To Sailing’s overriding goal is to revitalise grass roots participation in all categories of sailing outside elite activity and put sailing firmly back into a growth sport with a focus on youth. There is evidence to suggest that participation in sailing around the world is in decline and the age of active participants increasing as all sports seek to compete with each other to attract participants and compete with an increase in other interests seeking to attract today’s youth.

As a first step, the Connect To Sailing concept aims to bring together the organisations involved in and supporting the sport of sailing in a country, such as the member national authority, the sailing industry, sports council, boat show organisers, commercial sailing schools, media, National Governing Organisations etc. By working together in these organisations will share their resources and experiences to achieve a more integrated approach to the development of the sport.

Through Partners and the sponsorship that they provide, ‘Connect to Sailing’ aims to share best practice developed by all participating groups, using a combination of workshops, online manuals and guidelines and website http://www.sailing.org/connecttosailing/index.php

If you know of any other organisations that may wish to join the ISAF Connect to Sailing Initiative as a Partner Sponsor then please share this link to the dedicated Partner area of the ISAF website – http://www.sailing.org/connecttosailing/partners.php