J/24 Worlds Around The Corner

A large fleet will line up for the 2011 J/24 World Championship at Yacht Club Argentino in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 11-19 November.

J/24 Worlds Around The Corner

A large fleet will line up for the 2011 J/24 World Championship at Yacht Club Argentino in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 11-19 November.

With 60 boats registered there will be a large Argentinean contingent with 26 registrations. There will be nine teams from USA, eight from Uruguay, five from Brazil, four from Chile and one from Peru. From the rest of world there will be four Italian teams, two Australian and one British.

Furthermore, some of the best skippers in the world will make the trip including Tim Healy (USA) and Mauricio Santa Cruz (BRA). Argentinean J/24 champion Juan Grimaldi will also take to the starters line.

This weekend the J-24 boats will have a Pre World Championship that will be held in the Yacht Club Argentino. The racing will start at 13:00 local time allowing teams some vital last minute preparations.

Mr. Marcel Bacqué will be the Chairman of the 2011 J-24 World Championship and the members of the Organizing Committee will be Mr. Sigfriedo Spitzky, Mr. Roberto Authier and Mr. Gonzalo Heredia. Mr. Teodoro Kundig will be the Principal Race Officer and the Jury will be integrated by the judges Emilio Feliu, Willii Gohl, Thomas Rinda, Johnny Mac Call and José María Sánchez Pagano. The Appendix P Judges will be Johnny Mac Call, Gonzalo Heredia and Andrés Anca.

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