Trofeo Princesa Sofia aligned with World Sailing's Sustainability Agenda 2030

World Sailing President Kim Andersen joined organisers of the 50th anniversary edition of the Princesa Sofía Iberostar Trophy for the presentation of its sustainability program on 31 March.

World Sailing President Kim Andersen joined organisers of the 50th anniversary edition of the Princesa Sofía Iberostar Trophy for the presentation of its sustainability program on 31 March.

The programme is firmly aligned with World Sailing’s Sustainability Agenda 2030 and the Wave of Change project.

Click here for more on Sustainability Agenda 2030 –

President of World Sailing, Kim Andersen, the president of the Club Maritimo San Antonio de la Playa, Jesús Comas, Stefan Eberle the CEO of Marine Pool,; Philipp Baier who is the founder of the non-profit association Clean Wave, Matthieu Morvant, responsible for the Balearic area for the company Agua KMZERO, and Ferran Muniesa, the general manager of the Princesa Sofía Iberostar Trophy all took part in the presentation.

The sustainability program of Sofía Iberostar encompasses several initiatives. “In the event we have eliminated practically all the plastics for a single use, we have distributed reusable stainless steel bottles to all the personnel of the organization. We have installed drinking water sources in all the venues. In the fuel stations where the RIB fuels we have installed soak up systems so that not even a drop of fuel goes in to the sea. And we have carried out and we carry out clean ups removing plastics and garbage from the the beaches around the yacht clubs that are the bases for the regatta,” explained Muniesa.

Fundamental is the elimination of single-use plastic water bottles which are eliminated from the Troefeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar.

This has been facilitated by Clean Wave, Agua KMZERO and Marine Pool.

“In the Balearics, 1.5 million single-use disposable plastic bottles are used every day. We have to offer an alternative. This year the Princess Sofia Trophy continues with determination with the sustainability program that began last year”, said Muniesa.

Kim Andersen, for his part, pointed out that, “The sustainability programme has attracted widespread support from international agencies. The sailors spend a lot of time at sea and can greatly influence this area. I think that together we can make a big change.”

The sustainability program of the Balearic regatta also includes actions to clean the beaches, which began this Thursday under the leadership of the sailors who are competing in the in the 50th Trofeo Princesa Sofía Iberostar. All are part of the Wave of Change project ( Wave of Change) carried out by the hotel group Iberostar.

The campaign is based on three lines of action: elimination of the use of plastic for single use in hotels, promotion of sustainable fishing and improvement of coastal health.

In this sense, by 2020, Iberostar have pledged to become the first hotel chain free of single use plastics in its 120 hotel establishments which are located in 19 countries.

They are the first chain in southern Europe to obtain the chain of custody certificate for using only sustainable fish.
In addition, the company has signed an agreement with the University of the Balearic Islands to grant 10 research grants on the sea, focusing on fish life.

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