Hungarian Yachting Association receives Recognised Training Status

The Hungarian Yachting Association has received World Sailing Recognised Training Status following an inspection ahead of the successful 2019 Development Symposium held in Baltonfured, Hungary.

The Hungarian Yachting Association has received World Sailing Recognised Training Status following an inspection ahead of the successful 2019 Development Symposium held in Baltonfured, Hungary.

During the inspection, World Sailing’s Training Delivery Manager reviewed all aspects of the National Training Programme including coach details and training records, centre safety procedures, National Accreditation scheme and the marketing of the programme.
Hungary undertook a thorough development process before requesting the Recognised Training Inspection. The inspection formed the final part of an Olympic Solidarity funded program for the Development of a National Sport System. The funded program involved implementing an integrated club management system, National Coach Developers and establishing development pathways.
After successfully completing the inspection, Hungary will now hold the recognition for four years until 2023, when a re-accreditation process will be undertaken.
On the inspection, Holden commented, “After spending two days inspecting both the Hungarian Yachting Associations headquarters in Budapest as well as three training centres, I found a high quality and robust scheme in place.
“At the headquarters in Budapest I looked at their resources, data collection and training procedures. I then went to the training centres to see how things were run, observing training taking place at two of those centres and speaking to a variety of coaches.”
András Holczhauser, General Secretary at the Hungarian Yachting Association, was presented with a special recognised training plaque and flag by World Sailing Vice President, Nadine Stegenwalner at the 2019 Development Symposium.
The development journey for Hungary continues further, with a Technical Course for Coaches Level 2 taking place in May. This course will look at providing coaches with the skills to run training centers.

What Is Recognised Training? 
All World Sailing Member National Authorities (MNAs) with an established National Training Program (NTP) for Sailing can apply for World Sailing Recognised Training.

The World Sailing Recognized Training Accreditation provides a framework against which an NTP [dinghy, multihull, windsurf, kiteboard, keelboat / yacht] can be audited and mapped to international ‘best practice’, ensuring that certain core elements are in place and at a sustainable level.

The audit elements include NTP organisation and management, safety regulations and regulatory compliance as well as maintaining performance standards and establishment of training centres.

An MNA’s NTP is inspected through an audit conducted during a visit by a World Sailing Nominated Inspector, who reviews the head office centralised procedures and records as well as a number of training centres.