World Sailing

Election Committee Statement

The election of the next World Sailing Board provides an important opportunity for World Sailing's Members to debate the future of World Sailing, and to consider and scrutinise the candidacies of those who wish to be elected as a Board Member.

The election of the next World Sailing Board provides an important opportunity for World Sailing’s Members to debate the future of World Sailing, and to consider and scrutinise the candidacies of those who wish to be elected as a Board Member.

In common with other international federations, World Sailing has made rules governing the conduct of the election.  These are published on the World Sailing website here
It is in the best interests of World Sailing and all candidates for election that, during an election campaign, there is an atmosphere of mutual respect and equality between the candidates.  Candidates must promote themselves with dignity and moderation, and it is expressly not permitted by the Election Rules to harm or do anything likely to harm the image of another candidate or cause any prejudice to them.
As candidates begin to announce themselves, along with the details of their candidature, we must have positive and constructive debates about the merits of candidates without entering into public negative criticism of them.  It is in no one’s interests, least of all World Sailing itself, to have public campaigns focussed on negatives rather than the merits of the different options facing our voters.
We encourage all candidates, and all those who must comply with World Sailing Constitution and Regulations, to comply with the Rules and conduct the campaign in a fair and balanced manner.
Phil Cotton, David Kellett & Melanie Willmore
World Sailing Election Committee