World Sailing

Vice-Presidential question and answers published

World Sailing's Election Committee overseeing the 2020 Election of World Sailing's Officers is pleased to release the Vice-Presidential Candidates' question and answers.

World Sailing’s Election Committee overseeing the 2020 Election of World Sailing’s Officers is pleased to release the Vice-Presidential Candidates’ question and answers.

On Friday 2 October 2020, the four Presidential candidates answered a series of questions prepared by the Election Committee following suggestions sent by Member National Authorities. Click here to read more.
The Election Committee have now prepared six questions for Vice-Presidential Candidates
The Vice-Presidential Candidates’ standing for election, in surname alphabetical order with links to their candidate profile pages, are:

The questions, hyperlinked to a PDF document with each candidates’ answers (if they were provided by the candidate by the deadline), are available below:
1. What skills and experience do you have which will make you an effective Board member?
2. What changes would you like to see to World Sailing’s governance and decision-making culture?
3. How can World Sailing develop the programme of Olympic Events and Equipment to best meet the needs of the sailing community and the IOC, whilst making the sport as attractive as possible to the viewing public?
4. What specific proposals would you have to ensure the World Sailing Board communicates with, and listens to, the concerns of the membership?
5. What would be your proposals for the development of World Sailing’s training and development programs across all areas?
6. If elected, which three specific policies would you view as the most important for World Sailing to adopt?
The election of the President and seven Vice-Presidents will be conducted via an electronic ballot. World Sailing Member National Authorities, in good standing with World Sailing, are eligible to vote and when casting their ballot, must select at least two male and two female candidates for Vice President.

The results of the ballot will be announced on 1 November 2020 at the General Assembly which will be held as a virtual meeting.

Eligible candidates have been endorsed by at least five World Sailing MNAs with the term of office beginning at the close of the General Assembly, at which the Board of Directors are elected for a period of four years.

Voting Process

The 2020 General Assembly will be held remotely and will be conducted in line with World Sailing’s Remote Voting Procedure which is available here.

The first round of voting will be held from 9-16 October 2020. This will be the main voting period for the Presidential and Vice-Presidential election.

In the event that no Presidential candidate receives more than 50% of the votes in the first round, two further rounds are scheduled for 20-23 October and 26-29 October to conduct run-off votes.

The results of the election will be announced during the General Assembly by the Election Committee on 1 November.

If there is a tie between any Vice-Presidential candidates, a run-off vote will commence on 1 November and conclude on 4 November.

Controlling and regulating the process is World Sailing’s Election Committee chaired by Philip Cotton and ably supported by Melanie Willmore and David Kellett, who have overseen the whole process so far. In addition, KPMG have been appointed as the Independent Scrutineer.