World Sailing

Statement by World Sailing regarding interference in World Sailing Elections

It has come to the attention of World Sailing that Mr. Ser Miang Ng, IOC Member from Singapore and member of World Sailing Ethics Commission, has been interfering in the internal elections and politics of World Sailing. These actions are deemed unacceptable and condemned by World Sailing.

It has come to the attention of World Sailing that Mr. Ser Miang Ng, IOC Member from Singapore and member of World Sailing Ethics Commission, has been interfering in the internal elections and politics of World Sailing. These actions are deemed unacceptable and condemned by World Sailing.

For an individual to misuse their position in order to intervene in the election and politics of an autonomous International Federation goes against all good governance practices.
In discussions and reference statement by the IOC and ASOIF, World Sailing understands that these actions were taken by the individual alone and do not reflect the views of the IOC or the Olympic Movement.
World Sailing prides itself on being an open and transparent organisation, one with well governed processes that are in line with ASOIF and IOC guidelines. The actions by this individual are an attempt to compromise the World Sailing Election Committee and the elections themselves.