In Memoriam: Jack Roy
The sailing community is mourning the loss of Jack Roy who sadly passed away on Saturday 11 December 2021.
Jack served the sport of sailing for many years, holding the role of Dublin Bay Sailing Club’s Director of Racing and Race officer for DBSC’s Red Fleet on Thursdays and time keeper at regattas across Ireland. He had been an International Race Officer since 1998, joined the board of Irish Sailing in 2013 and was President of Irish Sailing from 2017-2020. He was also the EUROSAF delegate for Ireland.
He was known as an enthusiastic sailor, popular amongst fellow club members and admired for his great and infectious enjoyment of racing and cruising, as well as his sense of fun and humour.
Jack was a true gentleman, loved and respected by everyone who knew and worked with him, and he will be sorely missed by everyone in sailing.
World Sailing had the pleasure of working closely with Jack and sends its deepest condolences to his family at this time.