World Sailing holds International Judges Clinic and Seminar in Xiangshan

Ahead of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, World Sailing and the Chinese Yachting Association, the Member National Authority for China, held a two-day International Judges Clinic and a three-day International Judges Seminar in Xiangshan.

Hosted at the Zheijang Xiangshan Sailing Centre and coordinated by Qu Chun (IJ) and Hong Lulu, 26 participants, including nine female judges, from six countries within World Sailing Group J (China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong and Macao) and Group K (Singapore and Thailand) took part to expand their knowledge, learn from each other and gain valuable skills to enhance sailing in the region.

The two-day national judges’ clinic was led by Qu Chun (IJ) and Leonard Chin, and the seminar by Neven Baran and Rut Subniran, who set the judges interactive activities simulating in-race scenarios to help establish protest facts, conclusions, and decisions in different situations.

Participants praised the venue for its range of facilities and proximity to a newly-constructed marina capable of hosting high level sailing in Xiangshan, and to the host city of the Asian Games Sailing competition in Ningbo.

Following the conclusion of the clinic and seminar, the majority of attendees travelled to the Asian Games where they represented World Sailing as race officials, either on the international jury or race commission, or as observers.

The seminar forms a key component of the Chinese Yachting Association’s long-term development programme that aims to support education for Chinese race officials.

Seminars had previously been hosted in 2011 and 2019 and have already created essential opportunities to interact with international colleagues and exchange knowledge on issues and procedures within the Racing Rules of Sailing and World Sailing Regulations to be able to build upon China’s legacy as a host venue for major international sailing events.