Setting Sail for Success: Slovak Sailing Federation‘s journey

In the world of sailing, navigating through uncharted waters often requires an unyielding spirit and a steadfast commitment.

The Slovakian Sailing Federation has embarked upon a transformative journey to develop the sport and provide the framework for future champions to grow. Borka Bachrata, team leader, Slovak Sailing Development Team shared their experience: 

“Our journey in the realm of competitive sailing, as we have embarked on an inspiring voyage towards transformation and innovation, is largely thanks to some of our coaches bringing expertise from more experienced countries, as well as World Sailing experts’ dedication to guide us on our path. Our story highlights the fusion of commitment and vision that is shaping the future of sailing in Slovakia, having the first 70 years of sailing at a grassroots level.” 

A decade ago, we took a bold step by joining World Sailing’s Emerging Nations Programme, signifying our commitment to enhancing our nation’s sailing capabilities. This visionary move laid the foundation for a series of key steps that would redefine our journey in sailing. At that time, being a part of the international sailing community became more tangible. 

As the world struggled with the challenges of the pandemic, we embraced online courses, ensuring that our athletes and coaches could continue their learning and training journeys despite the constraints of a global crisis. 

Recognising the key role of coaches in nurturing and guiding future champions, we sent one of our coaches to the UK to take part in the World Sailing Training Scholarship. This investment in coaching excellence became another pivotal turning point in our journey towards becoming a sustainable and working coaching scheme. 

‘Steering the Course’ not only inspired women from our sailing community, but by participating we deepened our connection with World Sailing and have gained insight on future cooperation. This collaboration allowed us to shape a small development team that is leading some of the changes for our community and federation. 

We then embarked on an essential step in transforming our sailing program. We applied for the Technical Course for Coaches Level 1 through the International Olympic Committee’s Olympic Solidarity funding and focused on establishing a Learn-to-Sail programme, which marks the commencement of building a robust instructor level within the Slovak sailing framework. 

A significant step was the opportunity provided by Olympic Solidarity funding and the support of our National Olympic Committee to participate in the Development of National Sport Structure program. This invaluable support has served as the wind in our sails, propelling us forward as we continue to fortify the coaching scheme and drive transformative change across the entire federation. 

With these milestones under our belt, we are well on our way to building a comprehensive system for coaches and athletes’ development. Our dedication to Learn-to-Sail programmes and the establishment of future performance centres is a beacon of hope for athletes and sailors in Slovakia. 

Our vision for the sport extends far beyond the racing arena. We are determined to bring the sport of sailing to the wider public, aspiring to be heard and seen on rivers and lakes around Slovakia. We aim to foster a love for sailing that transcends boundaries and backgrounds and fortifies the role of water sports in the public consciousness.

Looking ahead, our sights are set on achieving top performance levels with our athletes over the next eight years. We are committed to nurturing our athletes to reach their full potential, to see them shine on the international stage, and to make Slovakia proud through their achievements in sailing. 

In the wake of our extraordinary journey, we are reminded that even the most formidable challenges can be met with determination, innovation, and unwavering passion for the sport. Our story and voyage is far from over, and we eagerly anticipate the winds of change we will continue to create in the world of competitive sailing.” 

Borka Bachrata, team leader, Slovak Sailing Development Team