Abériaux harbour hosts Switzerland’s first international RS Venture regatta

The first international RS Venture regatta to be held in Switzerland took place recently from Abériaux harbour in Prangins.

From 3-5 May eight adapted RS Ventures representing seven nations competed in the event organised jointly by Handivoile.ch, Swiss Disabled Sailing and Club Nautique de Prangins.

In complicated weather conditions, the race committee led by Harold Syfrig and Christian Schlaeppi masterfully allowed 10 races to be contested.

In turn, six different heat winners made the rankings very close.

The winners were the young British sailors, who mastered the Lake Geneva airs right from the start.

The Portuguese vice-world champions were second with the same number of points, followed by the reigning world champions, the French from Sciez.

Again, tied on points, it was the Italians who beat the first Swiss and local crew.

During the daily debriefings, all the sailors were able to benefit from the knowledge and comments of the Portuguese, French and Swiss coaches and the French president of the Jury to help them progress in their training as sailors.

The success of this first regatta and the skill of the organisers will lead to others, as various nations have expressed their intention to train before the world championships next September in Rutland UK.

The second edition will take place from 2-4 May 2025

Mentally handicapped and abled-disabled crews will also be invited as the event makes progress towards being fully inclusive.

The organisers hope to increase the number of boats in the fleet by obtaining charter boats and asking teams based near Switzerland to take part with their own yachts.