Announcement of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates standing for election in 2024

World Sailing's Election Committee overseeing the 2024 Election of World Sailing's Officers is pleased to announce the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates standing for election this November.

The election of the President and seven Vice-Presidents will be conducted at the World Sailing General Assembly on Saturday 9 November 2024 at the Singapore Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore, where World Sailing Member National Authorities, in good standing with World Sailing, will be able to cast their votes.

Candidates eligible for election at the 2024 General Assembly, in alphabetical order by surname, are:

Presidential Candidates:

Vice-Presidential Candidates:

Under World Sailing’s new governance structure approved by the November 2022 AGM, there are new constitutional requirements for gender parity on the Board. As all candidates for President are male, the composition of the Vice Presidents must be three (3) male Vice Presidents and four (4) female Vice Presidents. The next Chair of the Athletes’ Committee can be male or female, as the Athletes’ Committee decides.

Controlling and regulating the Election process is World Sailing’s Election Committee, Margot Foster (Chair), Niels Lindholm, Jon Napier and Phil Cotton.