First sailmaker receives training under new Equipment Rules of Sailing as World Sailing targets expansion of In-House Certification program

UK Sailmakers HKG has become the first sailmaker to receive new training based on the updated Equipment Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 as part of World Sailing’s In-House Certification Program (IHC). The new rules come into effect from 1 January 2025 and mark the start of a new four-year cycle where World Sailing aims to expand the program to ensure high-quality, ready-to-race equipment for sailors.

The IHC program is designed to allow builders who meet specific standards to self-certify sails. This scheme seeks to uphold the same level of fairness ensured by traditional control and certification processes while reducing the time and costs involved. World Sailing aims to establish consistent standards and certifications globally, enabling sailors to purchase certified “ready-to-race” sails.

More than 7000 sails were certified using the IHC during 2023, with final numbers for 2024 forecast to be even higher.

Classes allowing the use of IHC certified sails must have their Class Rules in the World Sailing Standard Format and be measured as per Equipment Rules of Sailing to join the program.

World Sailing Technical Department periodically audits IHC Certified Sailmakers, and recently Francesco Gulizzi, World Sailing Technical Manager, and Antonio Saporito, World Sailing Technical Specialist, audited UK Sailmakers HKG in Hong Kong, China. Audits provide an opportunity to collaborate with the sailing industry, share insight and provide official training, ensuring global uniformity in sail production.

Jaime Navarro, World Sailing’s Director of Technical and Offshore, said, “The IHC program plays a crucial role in fostering the long-term growth of World Sailing Classes and standardising definitions and measurement procedures among manufacturers and measurers. We are delighted by the system’s widespread adoption and strongly encourage all sailmakers mass-producing one-design and custom sails for World Sailing classes and international rating systems to participate. Recently the ORC rating system joined the program marking a significant step forward for the sailing community.”

Currently 29 World Sailing Classes, 26 National Classes, two International Rating Systems (IRC and ORC), and one National Rating System (SSF) are able to self-certify.

IHC World Sailing Classes
420 Finn Melges 20 Tornado
470 Fireball Melges 24 TP52
505 Flying Fifteen Melges 32 Vaurien
2.4 Metre Flying Junior Mirror X-35
Cadet J/111 OK Dinghy Yngling
ClubSwan 50 J/70 RC 44 IRC
Europe J/80 Swan 45 ORC
Fareast 28R L30 One Design Tempest

For more information about the World Sailing In-House Certification program, please visit the World Sailing website.